Congratulation to Chor Puey and Siew Kim......
the night before wedding, we had a dinner at Pearl View Hotel. the big date of Siew Kim and Chor Puey
As traditional, Groom don't allow to get the bride before he play the game which ready by bridesmaid.
Game 1: balloon, actually they need put the balloon inside their shirt and then another man try to broke it with their own body. However, they "play dirty", they broke the balloon with their hand. It was like a bonus game for them. Game 2: Sushi, but they called this wasabi sushi because wasabi more than rice. Everyone need help....
Game 3: we very nice, we ready some drink for them after they ate sushi, Tiger + 7up.
Game 4: They have to pass the Jelly from one man to another man with their mouth.
Game 5: from the 1st game till 4th game, groom just stand beside and keep quiet, look like non of his business. That's not fair, so we had ready a special game for him. We ready 2 cold egg, and best man put the egg into his pant, and they need push the egg from right to left. Groom just keep yelling that the egg was very cold. dinner at Paradise Hotel.....
everyone was drunk and took off the cloth.
wakaka~~ the game really funny!!!
ya lor, kesian the men. But the groom just stand beside....
its just once time in life must happy happy play mah~~ maybe the groom pai seh lah~~ at last he also kena dy~~ hehe
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