Monday, October 31, 2011

Taiwan Trip 2011 @ Day 1


我们入住CitiInn Hotel.

我从网络上看到它的照片就觉得很美,很清洁, 结果也没有让我失望...

很多小食都很好吃最有名的阿宗面线, 排很长的队 ,但是我们坚持要排队买来吃。 好大杯的梅子绿茶, 但是没有珍珠

Friday, October 7, 2011



虽然我不吃菜,但是现在的素菜,不是只有菜而已。。。还有很多不同的类型, 有鸡饭,鸭饭,肉骨茶,pizza, burger, 还有“Nasi Lemak”。 我真的想不到Nasi Lemak也有 。


Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Wedding - wedding gown

Unexpectedly, I found my wedding gown at Auto City last Saturday.

Actually, Dino and I went there for dinner, and we decided walk a while after dinner. I did not plan shopping.

Suddenly, I saw a white gown and tried it. Surprisingly, this gown very suit to me and beautiful. This gown not expensive so I decided bought it. In case, I cannot find other gown :P

I have took the photo of the gown and ready to post it. However, Dino said this will not surprise when wedding dinner if I post the photo now. So finally, I keep a little secret of my gown.

We asked Dew Ching dinner with us that night, but she busy. Now, she regret did not go with us, because she has not chance see the gown now. She has to wait until my wedding. She told me she will go with us anywhere, anytime. In case, she miss out accompany me buy the gown and see the gown :)

Dew Ching, no worry,.....I must ask you go together when I want to find the dinner gown. But you don't say "Busy".

My Wedding - the shoe

Finally i found the shoe.

Few months ago, I did see a beautiful shoe but I'm not bought it. Because I always think that maybe I could find another more beautiful shoe......

Until last week, I still could not find another beautiful shoe, and the shoe previous I like was sold out :(


Although this is not a perfect shoe I like, but I have no choice, I have to buy it.

I learn that whatever I see, I like next time, I must buy first.....don't care others....

Saturday, October 1, 2011

TheTwilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 1

18th November 2011, I'm looking forward of this date.

My favourite movie, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Down part 1.

Although I already finished read the book, but I still can't wait to watch the movie.

Edward, Bella and Jacob......



昨天,我们5个人, Da Pin, Wan Ru, Dew Ching, Dino 和我一起去吃鸭蛋炒粿条。 其实,我不吃鸭蛋炒粿条,但是我也跟他们去,去凑热闹。

一开始,我没有order鸭蛋炒粿条,但是最后我也order了。我不吃鸭蛋和豆芽,所以我order的鸭蛋炒粿条是没有鸭蛋和豆芽 :)

我只说不要鸭蛋和豆芽,但是他炒给我的炒粿条, 既然是没有鸭蛋,豆芽,虾,菜和ham. 整盘的鸭蛋炒粿条只有粿条。。。。。

最特别,鸭蛋炒粿条不要鸭蛋。那我为了什么去吃鸭蛋炒粿条呢 :)

最难忘,这盘鸭蛋炒粿条RM4。。。他妈的好贵。。。我们都觉得这盘根本就像 "经济炒粿条", 最贵也RM1.20, 但是我的那盘既然RM4 :(
