Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mango Butter Crepe Cake

I baked, this was my first cake I baked :)

Mango Butter Crepe Cake, but you don't ask me the recipe because I didn't know the recipe and ingredient.

We went to Esther house for baking, she ready the ingredient and told us what we to do, she told us "put this, put that".

If you ask me bake the cake again, sorry....I can't :P

sadly, no one appreciate the cake.

Brother- look at the cake, he said "er....." walked away then
Father- tried a bit, I asked him wanna more, he keep quiet and walked away too
Mother: no taste, too creamy, not nice.
Husband - tried a small bite, he said"M&M nice, cake not nice".

they're  not give face, sad.......

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

It looks yum! :)