Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The big day of Yulena Yeoh

30th April 2013.... The big day was finally here......The date we choose to meet our princess " Yulena Yeoh, 宜恩" 

I'm choose C-Section, because I heard too many story about natural birth, I afraid that I'm facing same issue. 

6.30am, we reached hospital..... Nurse sent me to the room and changed the clothes... Prepared the C-Section. 

7.30am, sent me to the operation room... Applied anesthetic.....

8am, Doctor was here....it's local anesthetic so I still know what was doctor doing.

8.18am, Doctor successfully brought the baby from my tummy, and show me the baby. I'm very touching at this moment, but only 3 seconds because I vomit due to the side effect of anesthetic. 

9am, sent me back to the room to rest....

It's fast and easy for C-Section, and I still don't feel tired ( some friend feel tire if natural birth because no energy) and no pain ( will pain If I moving, or else don't feel anything. Start 3rd day don't feel pain at all). 


Saturday, April 27, 2013


第 1 : 不准骂老婆 , 打老婆 , 更不能大声跟老婆说话 , 对老婆发脾气 !
第 2 : 不能骗老婆 , 冤枉老婆 , 不相信老婆 !
第 3 : 在心中 , 老婆永远是最漂亮的 !
第 4: 不能在老婆面前夸其他女孩 !
第 5 : 不能偷看其他女生 , 更不能正大光明看其他女生 !
第 6 : 不能接受其他女生送的礼物 !
第 7 : 老婆开心是要陪着开心,老婆不开心时要哄老婆开心 !
第 8 : 不能和其他女生打打闹闹 , 眉来眼去 , 更不能进红灯区 !
第 9 : 老婆被欺负时 , 要在第一时间出来帮忙 !
第 10 : 在老婆面前要有勇敢的牺牲自我的精神 !
第 11 : 不要太想老婆 , 尽量多出现在老婆的面前 !
第 12 : 每天至少要给老婆打一次电话 , 表示已请安 !
第 13 : 不能对老婆有非分之想 !
第 14 : 老婆生病时 , 要发自内心地自觉地对老婆嘘寒问暖 !
第 15 : 不能和老婆抢东西 , 尤其是吃的东西 !
第 16 : 老婆永远是对的 , 即使是不对 , 也是对的 !
第 17 : 一切按照老婆的命令办事 !
第 18 : 老婆是女孩子 , 比自己小 , 凡是要让着老婆 !
第 19 : 对老婆说的每一句话都要发自内心 , 不能有半句假话 !
第 20 : 老婆和自己讲话时要认真听 , 不能东张西望 !
第 21 : 对老婆要永远一心一意 , 天长地久 , 永不变心 !



1. 少吃鹽或調味品

... 一般說來,懷孕全過程所增加的體重約12千克。那麼這12千克的重量如何從身體上消失就成了新媽媽關注的焦點。現在我們計算一下,嬰兒連同胎盤的重量約5.5千克,還有6.5千克,而其中,水分就佔60%以上。



2. 實施階段性食補




3. 使用腹帶和及時運動




4. 親自哺乳

媽媽的身體為了製造乳汁,會將懷孕期間所儲存的脂肪組織一點一點消耗掉。每天製造乳汁,大約消耗2 092~3 347.2焦耳(500~800卡)的熱量,一個月後,會比不喂哺母乳的媽媽多消耗62 760~10 0416焦耳(15 000~24 000卡)熱量,換算成脂肪的話,那就是將近2千克的肥肉!



Thursday, April 25, 2013


我每天都吵Sam讲故事给宝宝听。。。那一天, 他终于讲了一个故事 ”3只小猪“。 我很肯定没有人听过的故事。。。。。


我听完后, 只是多了一句话。。。。就是。。。。。




Tuesday, April 23, 2013

FareWell Party

I have a lot of farewell party with my ex-colleague. Finally today, A farwell party for me :)
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I'm quit !!!!
I have joined Dell since year 2006, which 7 years in Dell.....I think 7年之痒.....it's time I quit :)
1st Farewell Party : Winter Warmers

2nd Farewell Party : Office Meeting Room
Yen Peng baked a "Chocolate Cake" for  me
We ordered Japaneses Food
See Yin making Sushi

Photo Section after we finished the meal.
Yen Peng: I knew her since first day I joined Dell, which 7 years.
She is a nice and helpful person, but she is the one always make me "Pek Cek". I understand that she was trying to help, but her communication is a problem and it's cause me always angry her. She is a good talking person if non working issue.....

Esther: I knew her just 3-4 years, not really remember....
she has many talent, such as singing, dancing, cooking, baking and etc.....
She also leaving Dell by end of this month....wish you all the best too.

Jane: my manager, but she also rotated to another department.
Thanks for you give me a chance work here, hence I meet a lot of lovely friends here.

Yat Ni: I knew her less than 2 year, she is not my teammate, but same cubical with us. She is a kind person as she will give us a lot of idea or suggestion when we have any issue.

Chai: my mother.....I knew her 7 years, she treat me as a daughter....that why I called her "Mom" at office.
She told me she will miss me because "no one is going to SCOLD her"....sound like I'm a bad daughter.

Gaik Wooi: lunchmate from year 2012....she is superfans of Hello Kitty, so I always post her all the photo related to Hello Kitty. She also is the one who always chat with me about branded bag.....

Fiona:7 Years since 1st day I joined Dell. She is my senior, always help me when I have working issue.
We also have many topics to chat like shopping, make up, hairdo, children, husband......

Hui Yean: Lunchmate about 4-5 years.....I always make her joke as she is a slow respond person.....she will give us answer or respond after we finish the topic...
She is very helpful person, she will help you do anything when you request for help....even she is very busy.

See Yin: my best teammate, best friend, best colleague in this 7 years. She is the most close friend with me....I always share with her my secret, working or non working issue.
She is the tallest in our team, I'm the shortest....so they always laugh on us when we're taking photo.

Dear All.....
goodbye and wish you all the best !!!!!

~~~~ Miss you all so much ~~~~

Special farewell email

I have decided quit my job, and my dearest colleague have arranged a warm farewell lunch for me. 

A special and cute farewell email..............

Say goodbye to dell

 ~~Your future~~

~~~ Thanks See Yin for the special email ~~~~

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Gossip Girl

Finally, I have finished the TV series "Gossip Girl", total 6 season from year 2007. 

I started the series since year 2009. I have spent 4 years to finish a series, wah!!! it's quite a long time.

I don't know how to say the mood, it's very complicated......feel happy and sad. Because it's finally finished and happy ending, but no more Nate, Blair, Selena, Chuck and Dan in future :(

Friday, April 19, 2013

Mae Salong Thai Food Restaurant

Mae Salong Thai Food Restaurant which located at Sungai Petani. I always saw the photo and check in from my friends at Facebook, it's look like the food and environment very nice.
I always plan go to dinner at there, but I don't have the address, even I don't know the restaurant name.
Until last few weeks, mom invited me dinner at Mae Salong with my relatives came from Singapore.....
I'm immediately answer "YES".
The restaurant is quite large and the environment is beautiful. We can choose enjoy the dinner at outdoor or indoor.
 It's also has a lot of facilities, such as water fountain, playground, garden......
Due to it's night, I not able to snap too much photo with my "IPhone". Sad......
The food taste, I feel average, because I able to have delicious Thai Food at Butterworth too, but the environment is good.
Ikan Bakar
Steam LaLa
Tomyam Seafood
Address: 199-F, Kampung Bakar Bata
                08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah
Tel: 016-4246842
Business Hours: 11am-3pm, 6pm-11pm