We didn't know that Teppanyaki Seafood is serving with Salmon, and we ordered a teppanyaki salmon too, totally there was 3pcs of salmon. Although I'm big fans of Salmon but I also felt disgusted if took too much salmon. Finally, we couldn't finished the salmon.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Aozora Japanese Restaurant
We didn't know that Teppanyaki Seafood is serving with Salmon, and we ordered a teppanyaki salmon too, totally there was 3pcs of salmon. Although I'm big fans of Salmon but I also felt disgusted if took too much salmon. Finally, we couldn't finished the salmon.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Dew Ching Birthday
This was a Bad day, we forgot check "tong seng" before we went out.
This was a funny day, because we went to 5 restaurant in 1 night.
This was a long long way for a dinner.
At first, we planned dinner at Harvest which located at Pulau Tikus. But our bad organizer Cissy, she didn't call the restaurant for reservation, when we reached there, it's closed today.
Nvm......we had 2nd choice, we went to gurney a restaurant called 75, we know this restaurant from junk mail. We reached there, the sign board show that only served for member.
Oh no....our 3rd choice, we decided move to the restaurant beside 75, but it's full house.
OMG.....our 4th choice, the Japanese restaurant which design like a jail located at around Upper Penang Road, but it's already closed.
We hungry, tired but we had no idea where we should go.....depart from Butterworth 6.30pm, but already 8.30pm, 3 cars just park beside the road and think that what was our next choice. Kesian.......
Last choice, Ferringhi Garden. Luckily, it's still open and still got table for us.
Birthday gal "Dew Ching"
We promised our self, the next birthday guy, Chee How. We must confirm the reservation and check "tong seng" before we go for dinner. Hope that we no need drive here drive there to find restaurant.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Mother Day
Friday night, suddenly my brother called back and told us, he's on the way back to home and he would like dinner with mom for mother day. OMG! he was mess up my plan, because I had another date at night.
Finally, we decided dinner at Canton-I at Qbays Mall.
Mom Birthday
Friday, May 14, 2010
Betong Trip
Mom told me that the hotel located at the mountain, the weather is cold. We can sing song, listen song and drink at night. When I heard about this, I felt that the trip is not bad, so I joined them. But all of this, it's a lie.
After 2 hours, we reached Betong town, it's just a small town and not many peoples.The weather was very hot, and nothing to do at the town. I alwayas told myself, it's ok....nvm.....It will be fun when we reach hotel.